
Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are medical-grade materials that are injected into the skin at varying depths to create a smoother or fuller appearance, commonly used in areas like nasolabial folds, cheeks, lips, and the back of the hands. These substances are employed to enhance or replace lost volume in the skin or subcutaneous fat.

Aging Effects: As individuals age, the body’s production of collagen and elastin decreases, resulting in lax, wrinkled, and sagging skin. Additionally, there is a loss of subcutaneous fat, leading to a hollow appearance in the face, especially in areas like the cheeks, midface, infraorbital region, and lips.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers rejuvenate the skin and restore lost volume, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. They provide a natural, softer look. The majority of dermal fillers are based on hyaluronic acid, which plumps the skin and improves its texture.

Characteristics and Varieties: Dermal fillers can vary in characteristics, including concentration, particulate size, crosslinking, viscosity, g-prime, and more. They are typically supplied in 1ml gels in syringes and are injected into specific areas using fine gauge needles or blunt cannulas. Different techniques are employed to address various facial areas.

Long-Lasting Properties: Dermal fillers have good long-lasting properties, with results lasting from 6 months to 1.5 years, depending on the area injected.

Hair removal

Laser Hair Removal Process: Laser hair removal is a well-known procedure used to eliminate unwanted hair. It utilizes light to target the pigment in individual hairs. The light travels down the hair shaft and into the hair follicle, generating heat that damages the follicle and may prevent further hair growth.

Hair Growth Cycle: Hair goes through a growth cycle that includes resting, shedding, and growing phases. Hair in the resting phase won’t be visible to the laser, so individuals may need to wait until it regrows before treating it.

Treatment Duration: Laser hair removal typically requires multiple sessions over 2 to 3 months for most individuals.

Permanent Hair Removal: Hair removal from a damaged hair follicle is generally permanent. However, some hair in the targeted area may regrow and can be treated again in subsequent sessions.

It’s important for individuals considering this procedure to understand the treatment process and the need for follow-up sessions as necessary.

Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling Procedure: Microneedling is a cosmetic treatment that involves using a roller with fine sterilized needles, often referred to as a Derma Roller, to prick the skin. This process is also known as collagen induction therapy. The procedure stimulates the production of extra collagen in the skin, which can aid in healing scars and reducing signs of aging.

Use for Hair Loss: Microneedling can also be employed on the scalp to help prevent hair loss. When combined with plasma-rich platelets (PRP), it uses the person’s blood to rejuvenate the skin. PRP contains growth factors that can accelerate the results of microneedling.

Post Acne Scar Treatment: When the Derma Roller is used in conjunction with PRP, it can lead to improved scar appearance after acne. While this treatment requires multiple sessions, the results and patient satisfaction are often highly favorable.